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No Sex In The Holodeck

RPG system: LARP
Genre: Sci-Fi


✏️Ron T. Blechner


PDF Scenario [English] (0.5 MB)


Styles of Play: Freeform larp, Larp, Committee Larp, Streaming/Online Face to Face, Performance (ie song, lipsynch, dance etc.)

Welcome to the late 24th century, junior officers! You have the honor of serving SpaceFleet of the Worlds United in Friendship (WUF) aboard a Cosmos-Class starship! Today is a day you’ve been waiting months for. You’ve reserved 90 minutes in one of the ship’s 6 holodecks, where crew members go while off-duty to kick back and relax, entertain themselves in fantasy, all in a private, confidential setting.

Today’s also special because you’re planning to run a very special, personal, intimate program. You’ve been working hard and have had little chance to relax and let loose. Unfortunately, when you arrive, you find that all but one of the holodecks is utterly non-functional. Worse, you find you’re not the only one in this situation. Several other junior officers have shown up for the same time slot, and they all seem to have similarly been waiting several months for this. And similarly irritated at this large inconvenience.

Tags: sci-fi, absurdist, lighthearted, sex-positive

Played at

Golden Cobra Challenge (2021)


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