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The Green Planet

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 12 players, Male characters: 5, Female characters: 4, Characters that are not strictly defined as male or female: 3

Organized by

Pandora's Mailbox, Inc.


✏️Anna Bradley


It was a regular trip. A couple of well paying passengers, the usual crew, and the trusty ship. Nothing could go wrong. For a while, nothing did. However, just as you were starting to relax, get into the rhythm of the trip, something went wrong. The sirens sounded, artificial gravity was lost, and it all went black.

You woke up here. The atmosphere seems breathable. The plants are nice enough, almost tropical. You have found the rest of the crew. None of you seem to know what happened, or if you can fix the ship... and you keep hearing drums.

* * * It was almost the night of the conjunction. The stars were in perfect alignment, just as predicted. And just as predicted one of them was moving rapidly. This was it. The signal you were waiting for. The ritual was going to go perfectly as planned, and your task would be accomplished.

But the gods said "Boom". And here they are now.

Played at

Intercon F (2006)

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