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Snaf University

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 6-25 players, Male characters: 4-16, Female characters: 2-9

Organized by

Alleged Entertainment


✏️Nat Budin
✏️David Durschlag
✏️Vik Fuzaylova
✏️Sam Hariton
✏️Jae Hartwin
✏️Josh Marcus
✏️A S
✏️Jon Sagotsky


1996 - just southeast of Inverness, Scotland.

The highly-regarded technical college Snaf University is hosting a prospective students' summer open house. Professors from each of the college's departments are present. Students have come from all over the world to visit this highly selective and elite college.

But people are running late, strangers in trenchcoats with magnifying glasses have arrived, and the biology lab animals are agitated.

_Snaf University_ is a light comedy/science fiction/fantasy LARP set at a burgeoning scientific community filled with both geniuses and nutcases - well, all right, mostly nutcases. There's no telling what you might encounter as you try to navigate the open house weekend (you do have a copy of the schedule, don't you?). You might even get to talk to a lab animal, though as a disclaimer they have a infamous reputation for being atrocious conversationalists.

Played at

Intercon D (2004)
Intercon K (2011)

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