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Faction Island II: Appease the Mummy

RPG system: LARP
Participants: 8-80 players

Organized by

Awry Wit Productions


✏️Ben Llewellyn


Chief Prime Minister Borrioboola-Gha is dead. Rather than perform the proper rituals of burial and national mourning, the various Parliamentary factions spent far too long bickering among themselves about naming a successor. Now, the CPM has risen from the tomb taken his old job back. He's angry. He wants the proper gifts as are to go to the dead. Each faction has chosen representatives to appease him via the requisite scavenger hunt. Now they frantically seek the items he demands: Pallina, The Weapon that Killed Ernst Dumkoff, Shibboleth, Nostradamus Ate My Hamster... To the winner will go, well, less wrath.

Warning: This game is extremely light on roleplaying and extremely heavy on scavenger hunt.

Played at

Intercon B (2002)

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