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Veronica Eade


💾 ✏️ Kristalldolken II: Fasans farkost WettCon II (1986)
💾 Organizer Kristalldolken II: Fasans farkost WettCon II (1986)

Organizer roles

WettCon III (1987) Arrangör


Colophon Ansvarig utgivare The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
Colophon Illustrationsansvarig The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
Colophon Illustrationer The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
Teckningsgumma Skribent Page 2 The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
LinCon-recension Skribent Page 3 The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
Dödssillens äventyr Text & Teckning Page 13 The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
Colophon Ansvarig utgivare The Herring Can #5 - 1986 (Nummer 5 - 1986) The Herring Can
Colophon Illustrationer The Herring Can #5 - 1986 (Nummer 5 - 1986) The Herring Can
En Historia Skribent Page 16 The Herring Can #5 - 1986 (Nummer 5 - 1986) The Herring Can
Dödssillens äventyr Skribent Page 19 The Herring Can #5 - 1986 (Nummer 5 - 1986) The Herring Can
Colophon Ansvarig utgivare The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Colophon Redaktion The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Colophon Omslagsbild The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Colophon Illustrationer The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Bröllopscermoni Skribent Page 17 The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Dödssillens äventyr Skribent Page 19 The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Colophon Ytterligare i redaktionen The Herring Can #2/3 - 1987 (Nummer 2/3 - 1987) The Herring Can
Colophon Omslagsbild "Piggelunk" The Herring Can #2/3 - 1987 (Nummer 2/3 - 1987) The Herring Can
Dödssillens äventyr Skribent Page 38 The Herring Can #2/3 - 1987 (Nummer 2/3 - 1987) The Herring Can
Colophon Redaktion The Herring Can #1 1989 (Nummer 1 - 1989) The Herring Can
Colophon Illustrationer The Herring Can #1 1989 (Nummer 1 - 1989) The Herring Can

Referenced in the following articles

Styrelsen Page 2 The Herring Can #3 - 1986 (Nummer 3 - 1986) The Herring Can
LinCon-recension Page 3 The Herring Can #4 - 1986 (Nummer 4 - 1986) The Herring Can
Innehåll o. klubbinfo. Page 3 The Herring Can #1 - 1987 (Nummer 1 - 1987) The Herring Can
Minutos mörker Page 2 The Herring Can #1 1989 (Nummer 1 - 1989) The Herring Can

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