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J-Popcon 2025 (2025)

J-Popcon 2025

Location: DGI-Byen, København, Denmark 🗺️
Date: 14. - 16. February 2025

Part of: J-Popcon

About the convention:

J-Popcon slår dørene op i DGI-Byen den 14.-16. februar 2025. 🌸✨🌸
Endnu engang bliver det en kæmpe fejring af japansk popkultur og alle dens facetter, og vi glæder os sådan til at dele det med jer. 🇯🇵🌸
Billetterne kan købes i vores shop på vores hjemmeside, så snart salget er åbnet.
Øvrig generel information, events og lignende nyheder vil blive annonceret, når de er blevet fastlagt af J-Popcon.
Sørg for at følge os her på Facebook for at få de seneste informationer så hurtigt som muligt. De fleste informationer kan I finde på vores hjemmeside: https://j-popcon.dk/da/.
Kan I ikke finde det, I leder efter? Står det ikke på vores hjemmeside, eller er I bare i tvivl om noget? Så skriv endelig en privatbesked til os her på Facebook eller send os en mail til info@j-popcon.dk, så hjælper vi jer!
J-Popcons PR-team ♥🌸
OBS: Dette er den eneste officielle begivenhed for J-Popcon 2025. Alle vores officielle begivenheder afholdes af vores egen side, J-Popcon.
J-Popcon opens the doors to DGI-Byen on the 14th-16th February 2025. 🌸✨🌸
Once again, it will be an immensive celebration of Japanese pop culture and all its aspects, and we are looking so much forward to sharing it all with you. 🇯🇵🌸
Tickets for the events can be found in our shop as soon as the ticket sale has opened.
Further general information, events, and similar news will be announced when they've been scheduled by J-Popcon.
Make sure to follow us here on Facebook to get the latest information as fast as possible. Most information can be found on our website: https://j-popcon.dk/en/.
Unable to find what you're looking for? Is the information not on the website, or are you simply in doubt? Write us a message here on Facebook or send us an email at info@j-popcon.dk, then we will have you!
Best regards,
J-Popcon's PR-team ♥🌸
OBS: This is the only official event for J-Popcon 2024. All our official events are hosted by our own page, J-Popcon.

We haven't had access to a program for this convention. The list is simply based on external references, memory, rumours and so on and the list might not be completed.
If you have a correction or are in access of a program then please send us an update.



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