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COPENHELL Con (2022)


Location: Refshaleøen, København, Denmark 🗺️
Date: 15. - 18. June 2022

Part of: COPENHELL Con

About the convention:

COPENHELL har med et stort overlap mellem den hårde musik og nørdede entusiastkulturer inden for blandt andet spil, film og tegneserier det perfekte fundament for at skabe anderledes festivaloplevelser. Det nye initiativ COPENHELL Con vil give festivalgæsterne en helt ny mulighed for fordybelse og underholdning på sommerens festival.
Heavy metal går hånd i hånd med nørderi over alt muligt andet mellem himmel og helvede. Derfor blænder COPENHELL i år for første gang op for noget helt unikt på en musikfestival: COPENHELL Con – et nyt samlingssted for alle, der elsker nørdkulturen, lige fra science fiction og superhelte til fantasy og horror, og den første ”Con” på en musikfestival nogensinde.
”COPENHELL startede i sin tid, fordi der manglede et samlingssted for heavyfolket – og nu lancerer vi COPENHELL Con for at skabe et lignende fællesskab omkring nørdkulturen. Der er en helt åbenlys synergi mellem heavy metal og nørdkulturen, og vi vil som festival gerne være pionérerne, der breder det hele ud på ud på en ny og innovativ måde,” siger festivalchef Jeppe Nissen.
Den stærke sammenhængskraft hos COPENHELLs publikum bæres af en fælles kærlighed til festivalens musikalske univers. Hård rock og heavy metal har gennem adskillige årtier bragt mennesker sammen i et stadigt voksende fællesskab, der samtidig rummer utallige subkulturer med lige så utallige indbyrdes overlap. Det hele mødes hvert år i en boblende smeltedigel på selve festivalen.
Som noget helt væsentligt rækker disse kulturer også uden for musikkens verden og ind i alt, hvad den berører. Mennesker, der interesser sig for hård rock og heavy metal, går også ofte meget op i alt fra tegneserier, superhelte- og horrorfilm og computer-, bræt- og rollespil til science fiction og fantasy. Temaer, der også optræder hyppigt i både sangtekster til grafik og på albumcovers inden for den hårde musik.
COPENHELL Con vil give plads til både interaktion og fordybelse i særlige temaområder:
Et tegneserieområde med nogle af landets bedste tegnere, hårrejsende oplevelser i en horrorbiograf og skræmmende virtual reality, et interaktivt Sværd og Trolddom-sceneshow med podcastværterne fra Han Duo, en firser-arkadehal fra Bip Bip Bar, Superheltens handelsområde, brætspilshygge hos Bastard Café, COPENHELL Cons helt egen science fiction-inspirerede festivalbar samt en interaktiv festivalskattejagt i samarbejde med Brooklyn Brewery – og meget, meget mere!
COPENHELLs sorte muld er det perfekte sted at så kimene til dette samlingssted for ægte nørder. Festivalens stærke fundament skaber et nærmest uendeligt potentiale for udnyttelse af synergier mellem musikken og alle de oplevelser, der knytter sig til den. Her eksisterer i forvejen en dedikeret, sej og inkluderende nørdkultur med stor indbyrdes respekt og samhørighed – de perfekte vækstbetingelser for COPENHELL Con, der åbner dørene for flere underholdningsgenrer og interessesfærer og fører musikkens og nørderiets verdener sammen.
COPENHELL Con er opbygget med støtte fra Region Hovedstaden og er kommet for at blive. ”Region Hovedstaden har en ambition om at støtte det mangfoldige og brede kulturliv. Jeg glæder mig derfor over, at der midt i COPENHELL-festivalen nu kommer COPENHELL Con, som bliver et samlingspunkt for nørdkulturen med oplevelser og aktiviteter på programmet for alle, der interesserer sig for tegneserier, horror, brætspil, science fiction og meget, meget andet,” siger Marianne Frederik, formand for Udvalget for Trafik og Regional Udvikling i Region Hovedstaden.
Målet er at udvikle COPENHELL Con til en selvstændig begivenhed, der fremover også vil være tilgængelig for gæster uden billet til selve festivalen. Det fulde program bliver offentliggjort tættere på COPENHELL 2022, hvor det ultimative møde mellem musikkens og nørderiets verden finder sted!
Arrangementet løber over alle fire festivaldage i STAGEBOX mellem tørdokken og Pandæmonium-scenen midt på festivalpladsen.
With a great overlap between heavy music and geek enthusiast cultures focusing on e.g. games, movies and comics, COPENHELL has the perfect basis for creating different festival experiences. The new initiative COPENHELL Con will immerse and entertain guests in completely new ways at this summer’s festival.
Heavy metal goes hand in hand with geeking about everything between heaven and hell. This is why COPENHELL will present something completely unique for a music festival this year: COPENHELL Con – a new gathering place for everyone who loves geek culture, from science fiction and super heroes to fantasy and horror, and the first ‘Con’ ever on a music festival.
”COPENHELL started back in the day because a gathering place for the heavy metal crowd was needed – and now we launch COPENHELL Con in order to build a similar community around geek culture. There is an obvious synergy between heavy metal and geek culture, and we as a festival want to be the pioneers to combine all of it in a new and innovative way,” says festival director Jeppe Nissen.
The strong cohesion in COPENHELL’s audience comes from a shared love for the festival’s musical universe. Throughout several decades, hard rock and heavy metal have connected people in an ever-growing community, which contains countless subcultures with just as many overlaps. They all meet in a bubbling melting pot at the festival every year.
Importantly, these cultures also reach outside the world of music and into everything it touches. People who are interested in hard rock and heavy metal are often also interested in everything from comics, super hero and horror movies and video, board and role-playing games to science fiction and fantasy. Themes that are recurring in heavy metal song lyrics, visuals and album covers.
COPENHELL Con will create both interaction and immersion in special themed areas:
A comic area with some of Denmark’s best comic book artists, scary experiences in a horror cinema and terrifying virtual reality, an interactive Fighting Fantasy stage show with the podcast hosts from Han Duo, an 80s arcade from Bip Bip Bar, Superhelten’s trade area, board game fun at Bastard Café and COPENHELL Con’s very own science fiction-themed festival bar as well as an interactive festival treasure hunt in a partnership with Brooklyn Brewery – and much, much more!
COPENHELL’s black soil is the perfect place to sow the seeds for this gathering place for true geeks. The festival’s strong foundation creates an almost limitless potentiel for taking advantage of the synergies between music and all the experiences connected to it. A dedicated, cool and inclusive festival culture with great mutual respect and solidary among the guests already exists – the perfect growth conditions for COPENHELL Con, which will open its doors to more entertainment genres and spheres of interest and unite the worlds of music and geek culture.
COPENHELL Con is created with support from the Capital Region of Denmark and is here to stay. “The Capital Region of Denmark has the ambition of supporting diverse and broad cultural life. Therefore, I look forward to seeing COPENHELL Con in the middle of the COPENHELL festival, which will be a gathering place for geek culture with experiences and activities for everyone who is into comics, horror, board games, science fiction and a lot of other things,” says Marianne Frederik, chairwoman of The Committee of Traffic and Regional Development in the Capital Region of Denmark.
Our ambition is to develop COPENHELL Con into an independent event which will also be open to guests without a festival tickets in the future. The full schedule will be announced closer to COPENHELL 2022 where the ultimate meeting between the worlds of music and geekdom will occur!
The event will take place during all four festival days in STAGEBOX between the dry dock and the Pandæmonium stage right in the middle of the festival site.

We haven't had access to a program for this convention. The list is simply based on external references, memory, rumours and so on and the list might not be completed.
If you have a correction or are in access of a program then please send us an update.


Atmosphere Orla Lærke Hatting
Board games Bo Thomasen
Board games Ole Palnatoke Andersen
Board games Peter Brodersen
Board games Stina Anja Christensen
COPENHELL Con-ferencier Thomas Magnussen
Head Organizer Sofie Liv Støvelbæk


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