Steffen og de dumme kloner
(AKA: Steffen and the stupid clones)
Genre: Komedie, Novellescenarie
Deltagere: 1 GM, 4 spillere
✏️ | Kristoffer Rudkjær |
🎨 | Johannes Busted Vestergaard |
📰 | Thor Fejerskov Jensen |
📰 | Kristoffer Rudkjær |
Scenariet [dansk] | (1,1 MB) | |
Scenariet [engelsk] | (0,8 MB) |
En genial, men doven dreng kloner sig selv for at slippe for at gå i skole og bære skraldet ud. Problemer er bare at klonerne desværre er lige så geniale og dovne.
Kender du det, at voksne er dumme i nakken og hele tiden vil have én til at gøre møgkedelig ting? Det gør Steffen på 10 år hvert fald. Hans lærer forlanger, at han følger med i timerne, mor vil på mor-søn campingtur i myggesumpen, far vil have en hånd med at tømme opvaskeren og alle synes at Steffen bør gå ud med skraldet, som lugter. Det er ikke fair. Som om Steffen ikke har problemer nok med Store Carsten fra skolen som truer med tæsk, og Sofie som er lidt sød, men forlanger at Steffen bidrager til gruppearbejde. Steffen vil da meget heller bruge sin tid på at fantasere og tegne seje maskiner. Men nu skal det være slut, for Steffen har et es i ærmet: Han vil klone sig selv i en genial og drønflot klonmaskine af eget design. Og så må klonerne tage sig af alt det kedelige, mens Steffen hygger på sit værelse. Det kan kun gå godt.
I Steffen og de dumme kloner skal vi se hvor galt, det kan gå for overmodige Steffen, når klonerne slippes løs i hans liv, og ligesom Steffen selv, viser sig ikke at gide kedelige pligter. Kan Steffen formå at rode sig ud af fedtefadet igen?
Magisk realisme
Spillertype: Du er frisk på at give den fuld gas i en 2-timers novelle og spille flere roller, hvor en af dem er en Steffen. Du har lyst til at lave gode oplæg til, at dine medspillere kan blive sjove. Og så er du frisk på at (gen)opleve en tiårigs kvaler.
Spilledertype: Du har modet til at tage kampen op med spillerne, når det vrimler med Steffen er. Du har lyst til at sætte og klippe en masse små scener i et tjept tempo. Og du lover at gøre dit bedste for at binde al det kaos, spillerne finder på til en nogenlunde sammenhængende historie.
Spillere: 4
Spilledere: 1
Samlet tidsforbrug: 2 timer
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Aldersgrænse: Ingen
Læsemængde: 1 side
A brilliant but lazy boy clones himself to avoid going to school and taking out the trash. Unfortunately, the clones are equally brilliant and lazy.
Do you know how adults are annoying and always want someone to do boring things? At least 10-year- old Steffen does. His teacher demands that he follow the lessons, his mother wants to go on a mother-son camping trip in the mosquito swamp, his father wants a hand emptying the dishwasher and everyone thinks that Steffen should take out the trash, which smells. It ́s not fair. As if Steffen doesn't have enough problems with Big Carsten from school who threatens to beat him up, and Sofie who is a bit cute but demands that Steffen contributes to group work. Steffen would much rather spend his time fantasising and drawing cool machines. Fortunately, this will all end soon, because Steffen has an ace up his sleeve: He is going to clone himself in a brilliant and stunning clone machine of his own design. And then the clones can take care of all the boring stuff, while Steffen has fun in his room. Succes is certain.
In Steffen and the Stupid Clones, we get to see how bad things can go for overconfident Steffen when the clones are let loose in his life, and like Steffen himself, it turns out that they don't like boring duties. Can Steffen manage to get himself out of trouble again?
Magical realism
Player types: You are good at going full throttle in a 2-hour novella and playing several characters roles, one of which is a Steffen. You want to set up your fellow players to be funny. And you're ready to (re)experience the anguish of a ten-year-old.
Gamemaster type: You have the courage to take up the fight with the players when it's teeming with Steffens. You want to set and cut a lot of small scenes at a fast pace. And you promise to do your best to tie all the chaos the players come up with into a somewhat coherent story.
Players: 4
Gamemasters: 1
Total runtime: 2 hours
Language: Danish and English
Age limit: None
Material to be read: 1 page
Spillet på
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2023) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Nomineret, Bedste Formidling
Steffen’s voice permeates the scenario text and ensures plenty of laughs while reading. The scenario has a childlike mood and the text is easily translated into actual play, while the illustrations underscores its comic book roots.
Nomineret, Bedste Fortælling
Steffen has an ingenious plan to avoid his chores: he just clones himself and has the clones do the work! But the clones team up and make ready for payback. It’s a simple story, but the basic structure puts the clones in charge and sets up Steffen to fail big time.
Nomineret, Bedste Roller
It’s obvious how hard and unfair it is to be Steffen, 7 years old. Everyday he’s tormented by side characters who are broughtht to life though fun quotes and clear must win battles that can foil Steffen’s plan for a peaceful life. And the idea of simply copying the role description for all the Steffen clones is so delightfully lazy that we suspect Steffen himself did it.
Nomineret, Bedste Scenarie
The story of Steffen and his clones is a well trimmed and very, very funny scenario. The humor is easy to bring from text to game room, and a solid narrative structure ensures that we all know it will end badly for Steffen. The question is: what evil (and funny!) plans do the clones have in store for him?
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