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Fair Tidings Magazine

19 - November 1996


Editor Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Layout & DTP Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Printing Skanse Tryk
Illustrator Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Illustrator Peter Nielsen, Esquire


Sida 1 Front page Front page Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Computer airbrush
Sida 2 Editorial Editorial
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Editor
Sida 3 Earth in four pages
So much to say, so little space to say it in... An introduction to briefly describing planetary cultures in science fiction
Sida 7 The ecological niche
When you go about creating a new species for a game setting, there is one thing you should always pay attention to: Just where on the food chain does this critter fit in?
Sida 9 Imagonem: A Norwegian gamers magazine
Review by B. Vince Heuschkel
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Writer
Sida 10 The cavemen played the game, too!!!
A Historical Highlight
Sida 11 The Player
A rewriting of Kenny Rogers: Read and laugh!
Sida 12 The preservation of ethics and morals in roleplaying games
How ethics and morals are representative of the community they belong to, how they decline, and are restored
Sida 14 Rites of passage
A glance at the importance of age when creating new cultures or adapting existing ones
Sida 17 Delphi Downtown
Sida 18 The lore of Clan Khrag
Dwarves are still among the most popular of all the fantasy races

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