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Fair Tidings Magazine

16 - February 1996


Editor Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Layout & DTP Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Printing Skanse Tryk
Illustrator Birgitte Vince Heuschkel
Illustrator Peter Nielsen, Esquire


Sida 1 Front page Front page Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Illustrator
Sida 3 At the end of one journey, and at the beginning of a new...
Birgitte Vince Heuschkel Editor
Sida 5 Nothing can stop me now, hahaha!
A look at villains who are really bad, and at a few who're just trying to be.
Sida 9 DELPHI downtown
Sida 11 Keeping 'em wide awake
Writing a good scenario and staging it are two quite different matters.
Sida 15 Ready, set, go! All stage personnel, assume positions!
An introduction to creating personality characteristics for your new character.
Sida 18 From the single-edged flint knife to the rennaissance rapier
An attempt to summarize the evolution of European blade weapons.
Sida 23 Knock on wood
A few notes on the historical basis for the superstition of knocking on wood.

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