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(att) Vittra

System: Blackbox LARP


✏️Linnéa Björklund
✏️Lukas Renklint


Ett blackboxscenario i sju akter som utforskar hur queerhet kan ha hanterats av familj och vänner under 1700-talets första hälft. Spelare gestaltar anhöriga till normbrytare och måste som hushåll välja hur ni ska hantera dessa undantagsmänniskor, de ni älskar allra högst, och samtidigt behålla heder och ära.

♥ Ett utforskande av HBTQ- personers roll i svensk historia.

How families can have handled by the families queerness in the 1700s. The players will have to make a decision about how to handle them.

A blackbox scenario in seven acts that explore how family and friends can have handled queerness in the first half of the 1700s. The players will portray the families of norm breakers and have to make a decision about how to handle them, the people you love the most, and in the same time keep honour. The scenario focuses on love and affection. We look forward to see your creative solutions for doing the best you can for your family without being in risk of exclusion from the social safety net.

Spelat på

Prolog (2019)
Stockholm Fringe Festival (2019)

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