I skyggen af skoven
(aka: By the Forest)
Genre: Drama
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4 spelare
✏️ | Rasmus Troelsen |
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Scenario [danska] | (9,6 MB) | |
Scenario (English characters and appendix) [engelska] | (10,4 MB) |
I skyggen af skoven er historien om fire venners sommer, som de tilbringer sammen inden studiestart. Det handler om at være ung, at turde stå på egne ben og om valg, fravalg og konsekvens.
Stikord: “Coming of age” – Drama – Venskab
Et øjeblik under festen mødes vi alle fire. Vi holder om hinanden og Victor får i sin fuldskab råbt hvor fedt det er, at vi alle skal afsted sammen. Vi istemmer hans begejstring. Vi skal afsted, sammen! Vi har sgu en aftale.
I skyggen af skoven handler om fire unge mænd som bor i en by i udkanten af Rold Skov. Studenterhuen er i hus, og de kan nu se frem til en sommer med øl, samvær og frihed. Gennem gymnasietiden er der udviklet et stærkt venskab, et venskab som til alles glæde ikke brydes efter ferien- de har aftalt at følges til København for at læse videre.
Vi følger vennerne i de hyggelige stunder, men også når alvoren melder sig. Når forventninger ikke indfries og drømme brister. Når venskab, kærlighed, familie og fremtid skal gå op i en højere enhed.
Scenariet handler om at være ung, om balancegangen mellem ønsket om at være sammen og behovet for at stå på egne ben. Om at træffe afgørende valg, om frygten for ikke at slå til, om familie, forventninger og det at blive voksen.
Om forfatteren:
Rasmus var i 2016 medforfatter på Fastavalscenariet Indtil vi finder ham. Nu forsøger han sig for første gang på egen hånd, ved at gribe fortællingen om at være ung og usikker.
By the Forest is the story of four friends and their summer before college. It is about entering adulthood, to believe in yourself, about the hard choices in life and the consequences of those choices.
Keywords: Coming of age – Drama – Friendship
For a moment during the party, the four of us meet. With our arms around each other, we listen to Victor as he shouts how great it is that we are all leaving for Copenhagen together. We all echo his enthusiasm. We are going, together! We have a deal.
By the Forest is about four young men who live in a small town on the outskirts of Rold Forest. The final exams are over and they have all graduated. A summer with beer, friends and freedom is ahead. Throughout high school, a strong friendship have emerged. They have all agreed to leave for Copenhagen to start college life together.
We follow the friends in the joyful moments of summertime, but also when expectations and dreams fail. When friendship, love, family and future must come together. The scenario is about being young, about the balance between the desire to be together and the need to stand on your own. About making decisive choices, about the fear of personal failure, about family, expectations and entering adulthood.
About the author:
Rasmus was in 2016 co-author on the Fastaval scenario Until We Find Him. Rasmus is now writing on his own, and is with this coming of age story exploring the theme of entering adulthood.
Spelat på
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019) |
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
Vinnare, Bedste Scenarie
In a truly touching drama the bittersweet and evocative story about the friendship of four high school graduates and the expectations of those around them. The players are invited to explore the lives and dilemmas of these very likeable boys in the last innocent summer, before their adult lives and studies call them away.
Vinnare, Bedste Formidling
In the midst of summer in the small town of Arden, four young men have to make decisions affecting the rest of their lives. Through a well structured text, specific advice, and a quick guide, the game master is introduced to the scenario, while the beautiful images set the mood. After just one read through, the game master can easily run the scenario from the well written scene descriptions.
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Nominerad, Deltagernes Pris (Tredjeplads)
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