Kärlek enligt ABBA
(aka: Love According to ABBA, Lovestories by ABBA, Kærlighed ifølge ABBA)
System: LARP Nordic
Genre: Drama
Deltagare: 25 spelare, 15 at The Smoke
✏️ | Anna Westerling |
Anna Westerling |
Ett band under en turnésommaren på 70-talet. Kärlek, dramatik, musik & fest. Vi gör nedslag på fem partykvällar under fem månader/akter och följer bandets kärleksliv med ny förbindelser, slut och längtan. ABBA-musiken används för att utrycka rollens inre känslor och som bakgrund och att sjunga och dansa till. Alla kan vara med oavsett sång-skills.
❤ Ett fartfyllt emotionellt äventyr till ABBA-musik. Du får spela, sjunga och dansa ut dina känslor för maximal dramatik.
Vi følger et band under deres sidste sommerturné i de sene 70’ere. Deres kærlighed, drama, musik og fester. Vi spiller fem festaftener – en for hver måned af touren – og fortæller historien om bandets liv og passion. Deres nye bekendskaber, afslutninger og higen efter noget større. Musikken fra ABBA bruges til at udtrykke karakterernes indre følelsesliv. Vi vil synge og danse følelserne ud for maximum drama. Alle kan være med uanset sangtalent. Sangene vil være sing-along, ikke karaoke.
We follow a band during their last summer tour in the late 70ies. It’s love, drama, music & party. We’ll play five party nights – once for each month of the tour – and tell the story of the band’s love and lives. It’s new meetings, endings and longing for something more. The music of ABBA is used to express the characters inner feelings. We’ll sing and dance out our emotions for maximum drama. Everyone can join no matter of vocal skills. We’ll sing along and not do karaoke.
A band during their last tour the summer of 79. Five party nights tells the story of the band’s love life – beginnings, endings and the longing for it. The music of ABBA is used to express feelings – we’ll sing and dance out our emotions for maximum drama. It’s sing along – all can join no matter of vocal skills.
Content Warnings: It’s love stories, people become together, break up and are unfaithful to each other. But no, no specific trigger warnings.
Presented by
Anna Westerling (SE): Anna Westerling is a game designer who has created games such as A Nice Evening with the Family, Fortune & Felicity, Summer Lovin’, Robin’s friends and Lovestories by ABBA. She is the producer of Stockholm Scenario Festival which will run for the 6th time November 2018. Anna has produced the Nordic larp book, the nano-game collection #Feminism and the Nordic Larp conference Knutpunkt both 2006 and 2010. She is a freelance project manager within the culture sector.
Lovestories by ABBA (SV) by Anna Westerling
Spelat på
Prolog (2016) | |
♻ | Blackbox Cph VI (2016) |
♻ | Grenselandet (2016) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016) |
♻ | Prolog (2017) |
♻ | The Smoke (2019) |
♻ | Grenselandet (2019) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2022) |
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