A Place to Fuck Each Other
Genre: Drama
Deltagare: Inga SL, 3 spelare
✏️ | Avery Mcdaldno |
✏️ | An Sheep |
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Scenario [engelska] | (5 MB) |
"A Place To Fuck Each Other" is a game about queer women and the relationships they tentatively build within new spaces. The spotlight moves through a cluster of lovers as they play slice-of-life scenes about hooking up and moving in. It's a game about hope, disillusionment, and attempting to create healthy queer spaces.
The game is for three players. Roles rotate, but in every scene two people will play Lovers and the final person will play the Third. Scenes are about tacit negotiation between the Lovers and the Third, between expectations and realities.
The game is played without a gamemaster, but the organizers will help you get started.
Spelat på
♻ | Rollespil din Pride (2016) |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2016) |
- Oprindelig publiceret i 2014
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