Let the hunt begin
System: D&D 3.5
Genre: Action, Efterforskning
✏️ | Dan Andersen |
It was late winter, and the streets of The City of Mirrors were dark. The Sorority of The One had routed out you and your fellow Vampires from your, original hunting grounds and you had been forced to relocate at an alternative destination. Only 10 members of your covenant had survived the relentless attack of The Sorority of The One, and you were all in need of a safe haven, to lay low and feed. It had already been decided, that your covenant would stay in The City of Mirrors, and attempt to eliminate any other Vampiric presence. Many powerful mortals resided in this vast metropolis, and if you where to be detected it would almost certainly bring about your doom.
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ARL MiniCon (2005) |
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