Running out of time
System: Call of Cthulhu
Genre: Efterforskning, Gyser
✏️ | Tore Lange |
USA Intelligence report 3.5.2036: We have reason to believe that we are close to
discovering the cure for cancer. Our analysis on the genetic manipulated tissue
from a "aurelis muchius" show traces of the fluid "Antasium". We believe that we
will be able, on a short term basis, to genetically manipulate developing
plants. These plants will generate a fluid, that can be directly injected into a
human body. The fluid will then automatically find the infected cells, and
neutralize them.
This could be ready for the entire population in few months, and mankind will
have defeated their most dangerous enemy.
Spelat på
RusCon 11 - Kino (2002) |
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