Relic Rescue
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Jeppe Norsker |
Relic Rescue er et samarbejdsspil, hvor du og din makker skal navigere gennem et sikret museum for at hente en ædelsten hjem – uden at blive opdaget. Gennem ufuldstændige kort og præcis kommunikation undgår I alarmerne og sikrer missionens succes. Spillet byder på intens spænding og er perfekt til fans af teamwork-spil som Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes og Captain Sonar.
Mørket har lagt sig som en tung kappe over det store museum, hvor de sidste fodtrin fra publikum for længst er forstummet. I overvågningsrummet flakker blåligt lys fra vagtens mobil, mens han uanfægtet ser en film, fuldt overbevist om, at museets bevægelsessensorer klarer resten. Nu er tiden inde. Du og din makker skal bringe dit lands berømte ædelsten hjem – uden at efterlade et eneste spor. Men missionen er vanskelig. Kortene over alarmsystemet er ufuldstændige, og kun gennem knivskarp kommunikation kan I undgå katastrofen og sikre succes.
I Relic Rescue arbejder man sammen to og to. Den ene spiller flytter forsigtigt ædelstenen rundt på brættet gennem fire rum, mens den anden forsøger at hjælpe ud fra kort over alarmerne – uden at kende deres orientering. Begge spillere kan se nogle objekter i rummene, og gennem dialog skal de blive enige om alarmernes placering for at snige sig sikkert videre. Bliver en alarm udløst, får holdet en tidsstraf og må starte forfra. Spillet kan spilles som en konkurrence mellem to hold, hvor man kæmper om den bedste tid, eller mod resten af Fastaval via highscore-lister. En web-app sørger for atmosfære, tidtagning og tidsstraf ved udløste alarmer.
Ædelstenen har en indbygget magnet, og hvert af de fire rum der skal passeres, har fire jernkugler indbygget. Skubber man ædelstenen henover et felt med en jernkugle udløses alarmen. Opsætningen er hurtig og enkel, da hvert rum tydeligt angiver, hvilket kort der skal bruges. Med 13.440 mulige kombinationer er der altid nye udfordringer.
Fokus: Samarbejde, kommunikation, rumlig forståelse og kortlæsning.
Hvis du elsker spil som Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes eller Captain Sonar, vil Relic Rescue være lige noget for dig.
Tid: 30 min
Relic Rescue is a cooperative game where you and your partner must navigate through a secured museum to retrieve a priceless gemstone – without being detected. Using incomplete maps and precise communication, you avoid alarms and ensure the mission’s success. The game offers intense excitement and is perfect for fans of teamwork-based games like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and Captain Sonar.
Darkness has settled like a heavy shroud over the grand museum, where the last echoes of visitors' footsteps have long since faded. In the surveillance room, bluish light flickers from the guard’s phone as he watches a movie, oblivious and fully trusting the museum’s motion sensors. The time has come. You and your partner must retrieve your country’s famous gemstone – without leaving a trace. But the mission is challenging. The maps of the alarm system are incomplete, and only razor-sharp communication can help you avoid disaster and ensure success.
I Relic Rescue players work in pairs. One player carefully moves the gemstone across the board through four rooms, while the other assists using maps of the alarms – without knowing their orientation. Both players can see certain objects in the rooms, and through dialogue, they must agree on the alarm locations to sneak through safely. If an alarm is triggered, the team incurs a time penalty and must start over. The game can be played as a race between two teams competing for the best time, or against the rest of Fastaval via high score lists. A web app sets the atmosphere, tracks time, and enforces penalties for triggered alarms.
The gemstone piece contains a built-in magnet, and each of the four rooms to be crossed has four embedded steel balls. If the gemstone is moved over a square containing a steel ball, the alarm is triggered. Setup is quick and straightforward, as each room clearly indicates which map to use. With 13,440 possible combinations, there are always new challenges.
Fokus: Collaboration, communication, spatial awareness, and map reading.
If you love games like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes or Captain Sonar, Relic Rescue is the game for you.
Time: 30 min
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