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If stars are lit

Omslag till If stars are lit

System: LARP
Deltagare: 10-15 spelare


✏️Maryia Karachun
✏️Zhenja Karachun
✏️Volha Rudak
✏️Nastassia Sinitsyna


No one knows how Star people were born. Some say they appeared because people pled gods to bring them salvation and hope. Others believe they were born out of human desires and wishes.

A life of a Star is a short one, full of routine and purpose. A Star enters the world with a mission – to fulfil a human dream. When the time comes, and the wind of change sweeps across the universe – Star people know that it’s time to go.

Every Star is aware that a dream they choose to fulfil will change someone’s life down there on the Earth. So they give their lives for the dreams that resonate in their hearts and that they believe deserve to fade for. If you see a shooting star one night, know, it is a Star creature fulfilling someone’s dream.

“If stars are lit” is an abstract physical larp, which is set in the world of the Star People, human-like beings that live in the Sky world to make our dreams come true. Participants will go through 4 stages of the Star People’s life from their birth to fading away.

Tagline: As Star people you fulfil a human dream.
Where: The Grand Stage
When: Saturday 17.00 – 21.00. (Be in the Lounge at least 15 minutes before.)
Duration: 4 hours
Participants: 10-15
Language: English

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Blackbox Cph (2025)

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