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1913 — Midsummer Pleasantries

System: LARP

Arrangerat av

Atropos Studios


ArrangörHalfdan Keller Justesen (Venue Coordinator)
översättareChristina Elgert
översättareAnna Emilie Groth
översättareMaria Petterson


In 1913 the brothers Gustav and Georg Steinwall travel from Stockholm to the family home of Gustav Steinwall’s wife to celebrate midsummer in the beautiful Danish countryside.
With them travel their children, accompanied by some of their friends from school, as well as Gustav’s childhood friend Harald Wibe with family. Together they look forward to a pleasant Midsummer while expectations, love, and conflicts brew under the surface.

Meanwhile the servants of all three families work hard to make sure the Midsummer truly becomes perfect, while also meeting new and old friends, and enjoying the festive feeling as the holiday grows closer. They need to navigate the intricacies of collaborating with the other households, prior relationships, and new prospects while serving their employers without a flaw.

1913 – Midsummer Pleasantries is a larp about a completely ordinary family celebrating a completely ordinary summer vacation with their loved ones. Under a well dressed surface conflicts, relationships, jealousy, love and competition boil.

Speltillfällen 🗺️

23. - 26. juni 2025🗺️Gerdrup Gods, Skælskør, Danmark: Nordic languages
28. juni - 1. juli 2025🗺️Gerdrup Gods, Skælskør, Danmark: Nordic languages


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