On His Majesties Secret Service
System: Amber
Deltagare: 4-6 spelare
✏️ | Kevin Daly |
“Far up, Far out, Far more!”
Hand picked you were, for the King’s Secret Service. the Aureate. Which King you might ask? Well, there really is only one King worth serving: His Imperial Majesty, Mandor I. The only problem… actually, let’s not kid ourselves, there’s a whole host of problems, but right now the biggest problem is that the King was rather badly poisoned. While he has recovered, during his absence, his vacated throne was… usurped. Then there’s the minor problem of the Florentines and the mess they’re making of things starting with the destruction of the World Tree and going downhill from there. Their King, Marcus, is the a loose canon some might say, other have more florid vernacular. Then there’s Corwin of Amber and the Shrouded Realm…. Too little is known though recent reports speak of a significant trade between Corwin and the Florentines. Then there’s Lyonesse, the New Rebma, and their alliance with the super high tech and rather nullifying Techno Blade which has let them to slowly claim their right to compete. Then there’s the current war Chaos is waging against the Strix – and desertion of the High General Gwendolyn. Did I miss anything important? Oh, the Dragon. The Sailor. And let’s not forget that Mother is still around? The list continues but we don’t have time for more. You’ve been summoned and you’d better not keep the King waiting.
You’re a loyal agent, maybe even a special agent, of the only true King of Chaos and all shadow… and you have a particular set of skills.
* What do you look like? Pictures please.
* Why are you loyal to the King?
* Why were you summoned?
* What is your schtick? Your special skill? Everyone has am often jealously guarded speciality or two!
Characters should be constructed using 250 points. As Chaosians, Power Words, Sorcery, Logrus and Shapeshifting are common. Trump Artistry is available though less common. Conjuration is simply a time consuming application of the former abilities. Demons are Chaosians too and you can choose to play one. The King is very likely to have contracted you. Construct creation is a particular pleasure of the King. If you want to play one, he very likely made you, brought you to life of otherwise brought you into existence. Pattern, while existing, is not available. Broken Pattern is, should you wish to embrace the utter madness of it. If there’s another power you want, speak to me and I’ll cost it.
Linked to: My weekly campaign, #a-fresh-start, the TirCon 2022 games #14-1-do-over and #15-1-do-over and this year’s Slot 2 game #2-1-done-over
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