Love and Barbed Wire
System: LARP Zoom
Deltagare: 2-6 spelare
✏️ | Alex White |
Miranda Chadbourne |
The number of letters that flowed back and forth between the home front and the trenches is astonishing. In 1914 the British post office erected the largest wooden structure in the world as a mail depot. It covered five acres and employed thousands of post office workers. The fixed nature of trench warfare made it possible to efficiently deliver parcels and post.
“Love and Barbed Wire” is a letter writing game for two participants. There will be three simultaneous runs of this. The characters will write letters back and forth to each other in correspondence between a soldier in world war 1 and their loved one back home. A deck of cards is used to guide the direction of the feelings that are expressed in the letters. In this experiance one player is the soldier in the trenches and the other is their friend, parent, partner, lover, wife or fiancé back home.
Letters will be writen and messaged to each charcter over a digital medium. The reciving character will then read the letter out loud. There are a total of 5 rounds, and a total of 10 letters echanged.
How this larp will run virtually
Using Zoom (I have an account) I will facilitate and keep track of timing the rounds. Players write letters to each other via e mail. Then send them to each other, or to me and I will send them to protect people’s privacy and e mail accounts. Then the recieving character will read their letter first silently, and then aloud. This pattern will repeat itself for a total of 5 rounds.
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