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System: LARP Discord (Text-only)
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4-5 spelare


✏️Jason Morningstar

Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021), Online, USA

ArrangörMichelle Taylor


It is July third, 1950. The Korean War is eight days old. Alan Turing’s paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” is circulating for review. And you have invented a computer that can see the future.

You were meant to be in the JUGGERNAUT room for this important test run. The objective of this test run is for you to decide, between yourselves, whether you should admit to those above you that JUGGERNAUT is accurate, or whether you should sabotage the project and never speak of it again. You have solemnly decided between yourselves that nobody will contact the outside world before you come to a consensus decision on this.

Also, contacting the outside world is nontrivial right now, because just as you finished inputting the test run, the first case of the New Flu was reported in the facility. As you are all irreplaceable individuals, you have been confined to hastily repurposed offices, supplied with another of your innovations - a teletype machine that can communicate with the other machines stationed in the other offices, and the one occupied in the JUGGERNAUT room by a typist…

Participant communications
Email and Discord. Will ask for ordered preferences based on short public description of characters, then distribute short character sheets (less than a page), ahead of time.
Content warnings
Historical racism and xenophobia, mind control; optionally also suicide, harm to children, historical sexism and homophobia, to be agreed within the group

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Summer Larpin' Was it Larp at first sight? (2021)

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