The Ashlight Labyrinth
System: LARP
Deltagare: 8 spelare
✏️ | Ben Cole |
✏️ | Natalie Curd |
✏️ | Nick Curd |
✏️ | Michael Jones |
✏️ | Christi Scarborough |
The Ashlight Labyrinth is a character and relationship focused freeform of fantasy angst for eight players.
In times gone by, the realm of Elvexa was a peaceful and prosperous place. The Conclave of Families ruled for over three centuries. While power has been concentrated in the the hands of a privileged few and there was little opportunity for someone of low status to better their position, then at least everyone could sleep peacefully knowing that the risk of war and bloodshed was remote, and that the chaos of the magic using magekin was tamed by harsh laws preventing them from owning property or significant assets. The light of the One God Jurat, the Divine Radiance, shone down upon all, and the prosperity that it brought meant that sprawling and prosperous cities full of magnificent architecture blanketed the land.
Now the land of Elvexa is doomed. Melis, a magekin of exceptional power, created a cabal of magekin malcontents who raised a powerful army of the undead. One by one the Families either bowed the knee to the new regime or were obliterated in its wake, until the land was under the control of the High Mage Melis. The power of the Conclave of Families is shattered and the oppressed masses gripped tight by undead legions, and it is only a matter of time before the last handful of resistance fighters are eliminated. A year ago, a rebel called Darulen Trissalor experienced a prophetic trance, speaking in a voice not their own that if there was hope at all, it lay within the Pathways that Were Not of the Ashlight Labyrinth. You are all hand picked as the key members of the resistance and instruments of the Prophecy. Many other rebels have laid down their lives one by one ensuring that your band has been able to survive to the steps of the Labyrinth with the forces of Melis hard at your heels.
You stand at the threshold of the Labyrinth. Little is known about it save that it is a place sacred to the Eyeless Gods, dead now since before recorded history began. The entrance was almost impossible to find – the magics necessary to push back the enchantments hiding this place took a heavy toll on the magekin among you. Legends say only that few have entered, and those who have managed to leave are forever changed and marked by their experiences within. Your leader, Jaythan, has fallen fighting a rearguard action against the undead legionnaires to afford you this one chance to find the answer that will save everything you hold dear. It is time to walk the Pathways, because you are certain there is no other way to preserve that which you truly love.
The Ashlight Labyrinth is a game of interpersonal development and conflict with plenty of angst.
Participant communications
Players will receive a casting form and 5 page character sheet ahead of time.
Content warnings
Custom Content Advisories The game is set in a fantasy world where not all is well, and is expected to be somewhat dark in tone. Players may well encounter some of the following in background or during the game: betrayal, compulsion, helplessness, human sacrifice, mind control, murder, relationship breakdown, suicide, systemic oppression (on the basis of magic use and/or wealth only), totalitarianism, undead, war.
Players will have the opportunity during casting and anonymously before the game to indicate if there is any other topic they would not like to appear in the game and this will be communicated to all players in the pre-game briefing.
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