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The Killing of a Priest

Omslag till The Killing of a Priest

System: Blackbox LARP
Deltagare: 3-15 spelare


✏️Karin Ryding

Grenselandet (2023), Oslo, Norge

ArrangörKarin Ryding


This is a blackbox larp about anger, violence, redemption, forgiveness and purification. It unfolds the story of a small group of friends who break into the home of a priest to seek revenge for childhood abuse. The larp consists of two main parts: the killing (fire) and the cleaning afterwards (water).

This is a larp about anger and forgiveness, fire and water. It tells the story of a group of young friends who break into the house of a priest. It is masked as a robbery, but soon enough it becomes clear that the group is there to seek revenge for their lost childhoods. They are there to kill the priest.

The first act of the game consists of the break-in and the killing. The second act, which is played mostly in silence, is dedicated to the clean-up. The body of the priest will be played by a chair. Other props include rope, knives, baseball bats, and lots of fake blood.

Spelat på

Grenselandet (2023)
Blackbox Cph (2024)

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