- Jesu Bar Mitzvah
- Den Store Krig
- 1910'erne
- Tyskland
- Psychological Horror
- Erotik
- Ære
- Toksisk Maskulinitet
- Mensurfægtning
- Okkult
System: Semi-larp
Genre: Gyser
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4 spelare
✏️ | Kristian Bach Petersen |
🎨 | Martyn Noyé (Karakterer) |
Søren Aske Hjorth (Proofreading: English) | |
Mette Vollbrecht Würtz Petersen (Proofreading: English) | |
👍 | Mette Vollbrecht Würtz Petersen (Filigran) |
👍 | Esben Bækkelund Jensen (Scenariebling) |
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Scenario [danska] | (4,9 MB) | |
Scenario [engelska] | (5 MB) |
1914. Fire novicer i et tysk studenterbroderskab får ansvaret for et mystisk væsen, da resten af broderskabets medlemmer kaldes i krig. I takt med at væsnet vokser, bliver undertrykte følelser, ære og duelsabler sat mere og mere på spidsen.
I Bartko Reher Ordenen er ære alting, og den mest noble måde at vise dit mod og din mandighed på er gennem blodige dueller mod dine ordensbrødre.
Schmiss er historien om fire unge medlemmer af et tysk studenterbroderskab, der i 1914 efterlades tilbage i en enorm villa, da resten af ordenen bliver kaldt i Kejserens tjeneste og drager mod fronten.
I kælderen under villaen er et væsen spærret inde. Men hvor længe?
Schmiss udspiller sig i en giftig smeltedigel af maskuline idealer, undertrykte følelser og en overnaturlig kraft, der trækker i de fire hovedpersoner. I løbet af scenariet vil spilpersonerne kæmpe både med deres indre dæmoner og med hinanden i ritualiserede fægtekampe.
Begge dele efterlader ar, og udenfor hærger krigen.
Et psykologisk gyserscenarie med okkulte og erotiske undertoner. Om machismo, jødisk magi og drifter, der ikke kan holdes nede.
(Scenariet har en fysisk duel-mekanik, så du skal som spiller være ok med fysisk kontakt på niveau med et fast håndtryk)
1914. Four novices of a student fraternity are handed responsibility for a supernatural creature when the rest of the fraternity is called to war. As the influence of the creature spreads, suppressed feelings and duel sabers are put more and more on edge.
In the Order of Bartko Reher honor is everything, and nothing is seen as more noble and manly than fighting bloody duels against your brothers.
Schmiss is the story of four young members of a German brotherhood, who in 1914 is left behind in an enormous villa, when the rest of the order is called into service and leaves for war.
In the cellars beneath the villa a supernatural creature is locked up. But for how long?
Schmiss plays out in the poisonous melting pot of masculine ideals, suppressed feelings and a supernatural force pulling at the four characters. During the scenario they will fight both their inner demons and each other in ritualized fencing matches.
Both leave scars, and outside a war is raging.
A psychological scenario thriller with occult and erotic undertones. About machismo, Jewish magic and urges that cannot be kept down.
(The scenario has a physical duel mechanic, so as a player you must be ok with physical contact on a level of a firm handshake)
Spelat på
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2024) |
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)
Nominerad, Bedste Fortælling
Four young men are dragged deeper and deeper into a twisted world of honor, desire and rivalry, as they live lonely lives in the empty rooms and halls of the student brotherhood. Gradually they break down each others bodies and souls, but only at the end of the war does the Veil fall and the full realization hits them.
Nominerad, Bedste Roller
The four fraternity initiates are simultaneously vulnerable and decrepit. Each in turn hides secrets that may gradually be uncovered and exploited. The young men are all off balance and thus easy victims of the Order’s indoctrination, internal rivalry and the mysterious creature that moves around the house.
- Dommerne skrev: Mens første verdenskrig raser i baggrunden, drages fire studenter ind i en dyster parallelverden formet af samtidens æresbegreber, deres egne indre konflikter og et mystisk væsen fra kælderen. Både spillere og spilleder har rig mulighed for at forme scenariet og drive rollerne mod en langsom destruktion. Hvad står tilbage, når sløret løftes?
- Four vulnerable boys become brothers in a fraternity where honor is counted through the scars in your face, and leaves no room for weakness. When the adults go to war, monsters are unleashed. A horrible tale where the veil is lifted at the end, revealing the consequences of the choices that were made.
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