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Mythic GME totally improvised game

System: Mythic GME 2nd edition and QuestWorlds
Deltagare: 2-4 spelare


Tags: English or finnish

Styles: Story driven

Mythic Game Master Emulator released its 2nd version at the beginning of 2023.

With Mythic you can play solo or without a GM any RPG. Let's have an improvised game where Mythic will guide us through it. There is no traditional GM in this game. This session is a great way to get to know the Mythic system if you are interested in solo playing.

The characters are built with QuestWorlds' as-you-go method so it is easy to get going without too much pre-work.

The genre and setting are decided at the beginning of the session.

The game will be held in English but if all the players speak Finnish it can be held in Finnish, too.

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Ropecon (2023)

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