The Foundation
System: LARP
Deltagare: 18 spelare
Arrangerat av
Team Coffey & Icecream
✏️ | Andrew Coffey |
✏️ | Cian O'Sullivan |
The great hero Aden Kar was two days dying, and not yet dead. The wounds he took in the final battle against our Oppressors would not heal. But he knew his people were too long used to the lash of the slave driver. He called for his Companions, those mighty warriors, to attend a Council of Peace and forge a nation to survive his death. The Companions were united by their respect of Aden Kar and their opposition to the Oppressors; but both are now gone, and the survivors remember their own needs. What would our Kingdom be, now that he who would be King is dy-ing?
Spelat på
Itzacon XI (2015) |
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