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The Once Great Oz

System: LARP
Deltagare: 15 spelare


✏️Anna Ahern


With Dorothy gone and Wizard ruling accompanied by Glinda all seemed well in Oz. Everyone was happy and there seemed no great threats to the people or their merry world. That is until the day when Glinda refused to leave her tower or admit any visitors, coincidentally the same day the residents of Oz started to notice a change in the city, as if the Emerald around them was losing its shine, becoming more of a dull murky green like sludge. As days pass the city becomes more and more uneasy, all of its res-idents seemed to be having nightmares where once their heads were full of innocent dreams and even the most jolly and patient of Munchkins have suddenly become quick anger and even quicker to violence. Thus far the wizard has kept to himself alone in his own tower but with the city’s population about to ascend his steps and demand answers he had best have some, or else a suitably grand illusion to save his own skin.

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Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014)

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