Heart of Agartha
System: Hellboy/BPRD
Deltagare: 1 SL, 5 spelare
✏️ | Charles Dunne |
While a direct sequel to Hellboy: “One Small Step?” from Itzacon I, no knowledge of the earlier game is needed to play.
Ten years since the Apollo 11 mission. Ten years since the Nazi’s resurfaced and your team was forged in blood and fire. The Plague they brought back has emptied the world and Zombu walk the earth in service to the Worm God. Too many deaths and too much of your life given away or bartered for power to ever settle or know anyone else but this team, but how could you? Who else knows what you know or has done what you have had to do? What began in space ends on the Earth as Agartha, the last hope and refuge, is about to fall. and with it the world. Hellboy died defending the place. You’re up.
Spelat på
Itzacon X - Lost in time (2014) |
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