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The Tower

System: LARP Nordic/American freeform style
Deltagare: 1 SL, 8 spelare


✏️Anita Murray


Do you remember when we spilled out of the club and kissed into the next wave rising on the dance floor behind us?
When the only currency in our pockets were song lyrics, smeared soot for mascara and pennies to hold our wishes?
When we got high because it was cheaper than drinking at the bar?
Those days when the nights were our days, when music freed our souls and the Tarot took them where they needed to go?
You sent The Knight of Cups to tell me you'd love me forever.
My rave posters are all nailed to a tree, and my tarot cards are coasters for coffee mugs. My soul stopped when the wave finally dropped.
No one bothered to clean up our mess. None of us even knew how. We were just kids, high on music, the divine and cheap drugs.
We just walked away, left it humming behind us. We never meant to break The World.
A Nordic/American freeform style LARP for eight players by Anita Murray

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Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)

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