System: World of Darkness NWOD: The God-Machine Chronicle
Deltagare: 1 SL, 3-4 spelare, (three is actually ideal)
✏️ | James Lloyd Jones |
Nightshift. Shouldn’t technically be legal, this almost-twelve-hour-shift. But the pay is alright. This is a busy stretch of highway, even late at night, and people need gas. Or a sandwich, or whatever. There’s enough of a gap that if one person stays up, the other guy gets a nap. It’s kinda peaceful, really – little island of light, way out in the dark desert. Sometimes it’s almost like there isn’t another living, waking thing for miles. Like you’re all alone in the world, or between worlds. Not a line of thought you want to pursue – hopefully another customer comes by soon…
Rating: M for Mature
Spelat på
Gaelcon (2014) |
Gaelcon (2014)
Vinnare, Gaelcon Writers Award
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