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System: LARP
Deltagare: 1-3 SL, 9 spelare

Arrangerat av



✏️Péter Jávor


The English translation of Regula from the official game pitch:

Number of players: 9
Age limit: 18+
Premiere: no (2021)
Duration: 4 hours
Viewing point: reliving
Game designer: Jávor Peti, Bonca

"...Because it is love for God that we keep his commandments. His commandments are not hard" - John 5,3

Willenhof Monastery. You get up at dawn, you arrange the straw bag behind you, you put on a stinging mohair, like every morning. With candle in hand, you set out for morning prayer. Your mind is not yet fully awake, you stumble sleepily in the twilight. Last night you had a strange dream. Perhaps it was not a simple dream...

It's been years since you first woke up in the cool, musty dormitory, and everything here is the same as it was then. Prayer lessons, sermons, daily work... The Regula has ordered your daily life, its rules have guided your life since you dedicated yourself to the Lord. It's only natural. It's safe. Just that strange dream...

You come down the spiral staircase. The abbot and the brothers are already there, you were the last to arrive.

Spelat på

V. Kamara LARP hétvége (2021)

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