As The Waters Rise
System: LARP
Deltagare: 4-8 spelare
✏️ | Quinn D |
✏️ | Susan Weiner |
This is the story of two families. These two families have been close for a long-time: at least a decade. They have been together through good times and bad, fights and frolics, sorrows and joy. While they’ve had their issues, they have held together through it all and come out stronger. At some point, they made the choice to live next door to each other. They are always in and out of each other’s house: borrowing a tool, bringing over some baked goods, or just stopping by for a chat. For each family, the other family has been a lifeline, and some of the most important people in their lives. After record setting storms, they are now separated by flood waters. Each family has climbed up on top of their roof, waiting for rescue. The houses are small, and fairly close together, but the water between them is an impenetrable barrier. To cross would be a dangerous jump into rapidly flowing water with who knows what floating in it. Rescue boats are going around town, but they will take time to find everyone. And the waters continue to rise.
As the Waters Rise is a LARP to be played by two households. These households remain socially distanced from each other throughout the LARP. Characters and households are created through a workshop, allowing flexibility in household size. The LARP itself plays out through conversations occurring across the flood waters and within the households. A Spotlight metatechnique will encourage character disclosures as the waters (and tensions) rise. Content Warnings: Flooding, separation, family arguments. All players will have an opportunity to exclude additional topics prior to the workshop. Players can decide during the workshop whether the game ends with rescue or with the fate of the characters unknown.
19 juli 2021 |
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