City of No Flag: The Battle of the Rock
System: LARP
Deltagare: 25 spelare
✏️ | Dave Hayes |
Dave Hayes |
A City of No Flag ongoing LARP series game for 25 players by Dave Hayes
The Slaver Varius Fleet is upon you. 2 fleet totalling some 20 ships including troop transports. What are you going to do? The System of Numidia has never been in such danger, nether have your lives. Do you stand and Fight? Protect all you have built here, you home, your community? Or do you run the Gauntlet and try and escape? Leaving all you have built in the dust for others to take? These are the decisions that war forces upon
you. Time to decide.
Spelat på
LepreCon XXXIX (2018) |
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