Halloween Welcomes Careful Drivers
System: Powered by the Apocalypse
Martin Pickett |
Halloween, Pennsylvania (pop. 6,273). A town just barely scraping by on the tourism generated by its unusual name and its pumpkin farms, and desperate for the jobs to be created by the new hydro-electric project upriver.
One high school, two banks, three grocery stores. One Wiccan temple, two occult stores, three haunted houses. One vampire lord, two werewolves, three rogue fairies.
Halloween has witch problems. That is, problems that can only be solved by a witch. Or maybe a whole coven of you.
The Great American Witch is a modern gothic tabletop roleplaying game about the secret world of witches in America and the supernatural threats working to destroy them.
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UK GamesExpo (2023) |
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