The miserable have no other medicine, but only Hope
System: The Dee Sanction
Stephen Ray |
It is February in the year of Our Lord 1573: most persons of sense are huddled close to their winter hearths, waiting for the days to lengthen to herald the coming of Spring.
So when your characters appear in the snow-bound village of Much Marcle, deep within the Welsh Borders, their need must be great. Further, when these strangers travel at the behest of none other than the powerful Sir James Croft, more questions arise: what business could such a great gentleman have with such a place? Surely, there could be no connection with rumours of loud voices coming from deep within the earth of the nearby Marcle Ridge? Addle-pated nonsense at best!
And yet, here you are, bearers of the Dee Sanction, brushing the snow from your cloaks and meeting the suspicious glares of the locals…
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UK GamesExpo (2023) |
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