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Last shed you defend before you ... DIE

Omslag till Last shed you defend before you ... DIE

Deltagare: 1-4 spelare


GrafiskformBenny Wallin
🎨Håkan Eklund


Time to roll up your sleeves and plow through the zombie hordes.

Zombie apocalypse is here, you taking shelter in a shed.

Uh-oh, they are going to nuke away the problem.

Will you find the car parts to fix the car so you can escape?

Before the fall out dust or the zombie kill you!

Undslip vildmarksskuret, før regeringen atombomber skidtet. Find bildele for at starte en gammel bil og undgå zombier og radioaktivt nedfald. Beskyt skuret, led efter reservedele, og øg dine overlevelseschancer.

The Last Shed You Defend Before You Die er et actionspil, der er fyldt med problemløsning, som kommer fra spilmekanikken. Spillet kan spilles solo eller som co-op. Det omfatter mekanikker som bag- og deck-building med fokus på historiefortælling. Spillet præsenterer intense beslutninger i en verden, hvor du kan lægge planer for næsten alt.

Som spiller har du adgang til forskellige handlingskort på din hånd. I din tur kan du bruge disse kort til at udforske steder, finde dele til at reparere flugtbilen, dræbe zombier, opdage skatte eller lave nye genstande (kort), der vil hjælpe dig i fremtiden.

Når du besejrer en zombie, vil de tabe loot såsom tandhjul, ammunition, batterier eller mad, hvis du er heldig. Men er du uheldig, kan zombierne også forurene brættet med blod, lig, nye zombier eller øget panik.

Når du har spillet alle dine handlinger, er det “spillets” tur til at flytte zombier tættere på dig og dit skur. For hver zombie, der når skuret, mister du et liv (et kort).

Dit mål er at starte en bil. Du kan forsøge at starte bilen én gang pr. omgang, hvis den er i spil. Jo flere dele du har, jo større er chancen for at starte bilen. Hvis du finder alle 6 dele og når bilen, klarer du spillet.

Efter vellykket afslutning af spillet opgør du din score. Spillet byder på 3 sværhedsgrader, der hver introducerer nye begivenheder og nye genstande at fremstille.

Escape the wilderness shed before a government nuke hits. Find car parts to start an old car and avoid zombies or fallout. Protect the shed, explore for parts, and increase survival odds.

The Last Shed You Defend Before You Die is an action game that is filled with problem-solving, which emerges from the game mechanics. The game can be played solitaire or in co-op. It includes mechanics such as bag and deck-building, with a focus on storytelling. The game presents tense decisions in a world where you can plan for almost anything.

As a player, you have access to different action cards on your hand. During your turn, you can use these cards to explore locations, find parts to fix the escape car, kill zombies, discover treasures, or craft new items (cards) that will aid you in the future.

When you defeat a zombie they will drop loot such as gears, ammo, batteries, or food if you are lucky. If you run out of luck, they might pollute the board with blood, corpses, new zombies or increase panic.

After you have played all your actions, it's the game’s turn to move zombies closer to you and your shed. For each Zombie that reaches the shed, you will lose one life (a card).

Your objective is to start a car. You may attempt to start the car once per turn if it’s in play. The more parts you have, the greater the chance to start the car. If you find all 6 parts and reach the car, you’ll succeed in the game.

Upon successful completion of the game, you tally your score. The game offers 3 levels of difficulty, each providing new items to craft and introducing new events.

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