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Blood on the Carpet

System: LARP Homebrew
Deltagare: 24 spelare


✏️Dave Collis

Dramatic Consequences (2010), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannien

ArrangörBen Harvey
ArrangörDave Collis (Lead GM)


Players must have and be willing to share their email address with the GMs and other players so that a pregame auction and set up can take place.

Timely return of messages is required.

No existing knowledge of Amber is necessary but it would help

Expect large amounts of background material which are not essential but will enhance the enjoyment of the game.

It is possible that the game may go past the end of the time slot, depending on how the players play, which the GMs will attempt to avoid, but they reserve the right to move to a chalet and finish things off. Additionally there will be brief periods where they will not be available whilst they commune amongst themselves about what the players are doing and some of them smoke!

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Dramatic Consequences (2010)

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