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The Flying Fortress

System: Fellowship
Deltagare: 1 SL, 3-6 spelare


The evil Overlord has harnessed the power of the Air crystal to create something that was previously unthinkable: a flying fortress with the power to destroy an entire city! The free people of the world have formed a Fellowship with the goal of stopping the Overlord's machinations. Your goal: destroy that flying fortress before it causes unthinkable destruction.

Fellowship is a fantasy adventure game modeled heavily around Lord of the Rings with various inspirations from video games, comics, and modern animation. The game gives players the freedom to determine who their people are and what it is they are fighting for. It uses a modified system based on Dungeon World, and given the ease of character creation and play is easily suitable for beginners, but with enough depth and unique mechanics for experts.

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Ropecon (2018)

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