(aka: Heist!)
Genre: Action, Drama
Deltagare: 1 SL, 4 spelare
✏️ | Lars Kaos Andresen |
4 professionelle kriminelle udfører et voldsomt og fejlslagent kup på Postcentralen ved Hovedbanegården i starten af 1980’erne.
En lørdag sommermorgen i 1982. Familier står foran Tivoli, der lige straks åbner, og letpåklædte mennesker strømmer ind og ud af Hovedbanegården. Taxaer dytter af hinanden, mens en lang, grå Citroën CX med fire mennesker glider frem og holder for rødt lys. En ung lyshåret kvinde sidder bag rattet. Ved siden af hende en ældre og glatbarberet mand med næsten hvidt hår. Bag kvinden en fyr med solbriller, cowboyjakke og en filterløs cigaret i mundvigen. Ved siden af ham en moden mand i mørkt jakkesæt og perfekt tilbagestrøget hår.
Det bliver grønt lys, og den grå bil kører mod Postcentralen.
Kup! er historien om fire professionnelle kriminelle , der har hver deres motiv for at ville tage andres penge. Kirsten har idealistiske motiver. Erik gør det for sin familie. Poul gør det, fordi det er dét, han er god til. John gør det, fordi han skal ud af problemer.
Kup! er en medrivende, underholdende og dramatisk historie om fire røvere, og hvad deres forhold til hinanden betyder, da kuppet først går galt.
Scenariet indeholder voldelige og voldsomme scener med våben, skuddueller, biljagter og sårede eller døde mennesker, men det er ikke noget, der udpensles.
Reservoir Dogs møder Blekingegadebanden
Spillertype: Kup! er et seriøst og underholdende actiondrama. Der er snakkespil, hvor udvikling af personlige relationer er i fokus. Der er action, hvor dine handlinger har vigtige konsekvenser for de andre roller og for historiens udvikling. Scenariet er klassisk bordrollespil, hvor du styrer din rolles handlinger, og spillederen styrer og beskriver verden omkring dig.
Spilledertype: Din primære opgave er at sætte stemningsfulde scener, og hjælpe spillerne til at bruge mekanikkerne i scenariet. I actionscenerne bruges en kortmekanik til at overkomme forhindringer, og i dramascenerne bruges en historiemekanik. Begge mekanikker er simple og intuitive. Kup er klassisk opbygget og køres efter en fastlagt struktur.
Spillere: 4
Spilledere: 1
Samlet tidsforbrug: 3-4 timer
Sprog: Dansk og engelsk, spilledertekst kun på dansk
Aldersbegrænsning: Ingen
Læsemængde: I alt cirka 40 sider inkl. virkemidler. Roller på ca. 1 side samt nogle virkemidler
Four professional criminals carry out a violent and failed robbery at the Central Station Post Office in the early 1980s.
A Saturday summer morning in 1982. Families stand in front of Tivoli, which is about to open, and lightly dressed people stream in and out of the Central Station. Taxis honk at each other as a long, grey Citroën CX with four people glides past, stopping for red lights. A young blonde woman sits behind the wheel. Next to her is an older, clean-shaven man with almost white hair. Behind the woman sits a young guy with sunglasses and a denim jacket. Next to him, a mature man in a dark suit and slicked-back hair with a pipe in his mouth.
The light turns green and the grey car heads for the Post Office.
Heist! is the story of four professional criminals who each have their own motive for wanting to take other people's money. Kirsten has idealistic motives. Erik does it for his family. Poul does it because he is good at it. John does it because he needs to get out of trouble.
Heist! is a compelling, entertaining and dramatic story of four robbers and what their relationship means to each other when the heist first goes wrong.
The scenario includes violence and violent scenes with shootouts, car chases and people wounded or dead, but it is not something used for gross out effect.
Reservoir Dogs
Player types: Heist! is a serious and entertaining action drama. There are roleplaying scenes where the development of personal relationships is the focus. There are action scenes, where your actions have important consequences for the other characters and for the development of the story. The scenario is classic tabletop role-playing, where you control the actions of your character and the game master controls and describes the world around you.
Gamemaster type: Your main job is to set atmospheric scenes, and help the players use the mechanics of the scenario. Action scenes use a card mechanic to overcome obstacles, and drama scenes use a story mechanic. Both mechanics are simple and intuitive. Heist! is classically structured and runs according to a fixed structure.
Players: 4
Gamemasters: 1
Total runtime: 3-4 hours
Language: Danish and English, gamemaster text only in Danish
Aldersbegrænsning: None
Material to be read: About 40 pages for game master. 1 page roles with some extra mechanics.
Spelat på
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023) |
Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)
Vinnare, Deltagernes Pris, Rollespil (Førsteplads)
Nominerad, Bedste Formidling
The text guides the gamemaster firmly through the different scenario elements, while the introduction sheet helps the players to get a headstart. The press photos set the tone and ground the story firmly in Denmark in the 80s with references to Shu-bi-du-a, the European Football Championship, and the political climate.
Nominerad, Bedste Fortælling
Heist! is a Danish Tarantino about a post office robbery gone wrong. Four hardened criminals fight tooth and nail (and maybe with a rocket launcher!) to reach their escape plan, and as they flee the action is interwoven with flashbacks to the heist preparations where the characters have time to get together and share stories.
Nominerad, Bedste Virkemidler
There’s always something at stake when a card is played to deal with the fast paced action scenes. Every card can help, but you can also take it too far, and as you know, karma’s a real bitch … Each player has a deck of cards telling the story of their ability or lack thereof, and there are always more cards to find in the trunk.
Nominerad, Bedste Roller
Playing a hardened criminal and delivering lines as in a Tarantino-movie is almost impossible. But all the roles have background stories, clear motivations, and helpful tips that can bring the players very close. All the anti-heroes have a role to play in the heist and a chance to get away with more than cash, but maybe they lose everything while trying.
Nominerad, Bedste Scenarie
Heist! takes “heist gone wrong” films and expertly translates them to the tabletop medium. Flashbacks allow for the characters to share stories and explore their blooming relations, but they also provide ammunition for the discussions that play out during char chases and gunfighting. The scenario gladly shows its hand: we know that it doesn’t end, and that it isn’t meant to.
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