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The Secret Commonwealth

Omslag till The Secret Commonwealth

Deltagare: 2-4 spelare


GrafiskformStefan Jacob Bierrings Jensen
GrafiskformMatthias Kaalund Keller


The Secret Commonwealth er en rejse gennem europæisk folklore fyldt med feer og magi. Administrer dine terninger og skatte, mens du rejser gennem landet, naturen og havet til din destination, et sammenstød, hvor teamwork, held og færdigheder vil bestemme fremtiden for den, der ejer den krop, du besidder.


“The Secret Commonwealth” er et brætspil inspireret af folkeeventyr, “choose your own adventure” bøger og fortællefokuserede brætspil. I spillet spiller I heroiske ånder, som tilbringer deres liv efter døden i et rige ved navnet”The Secret Commonwealth”. Her bor I, indtil I bliver tilkaldt af en, der har hårdt brug for hjælp. Det er din pligt og forbandelse at stige ned til jorden og besætte deres krop. I denne tilstand er der kun to udfald: løs problemet, eller forbliv i jeres værtskrop i en evig tilstand af vanvid.

I spillet The Secret Commonwealth vælger hver spiller en karakter – hver karakter starter med et bestemt sæt terninger, skatte og tokens. På din rejse vil du møde udfordringer, der kræver, at du matcher bestemte symboler enten med terningkast, tokens eller skatte- dit repertoire opbygges, mens du går. Når I når slutningen, skal du bruge alt du har tjent gennem din rejse, til at kæmpe en udholdenhedskamp mod en boss.

Udfordringer er opdelt i fire typer: Fighting, Magic, Trickery eller Charm. Disse typer har tilhørende symboler, som du kan kaste på dine terninger. “Anweald”-symbolet er et universelt symbol og kan stå for ethvert symbol, der er nødvendigt.

Undervejs skal der træffes valg, der vil gøre godt for nogle og såre andre. Der er mange naturlige og overnaturlige kræfter i verdenen for eksempel: “folket”, “dyrene”, “feerne”, de “de spirituelle” eller dine “forfædre”. Dit forhold til disse folk holdes styr på på “standpunkts-brættet” hvilket kan påvirke, hvordan du kommer ud af situationer som en heksejagt eller mødet med en fe-cirkel.

Tid: 60-90 min
Spillere: 2-4
Sprog: Engelsk

The Secret Commonwealth is a journey through European folklore filled with faeries and magic. Manage your dice and treasures as you journey through the country, the wild and the sea to your destination, a great clash, where your teamwork, luck and skills will determine the future of the one who owns the body you possess.


“The Secret Commonwealth” is a board game inspired by folklore, choose your own adventure novels, and storytelling boardgames. In this game you play heroic spirits, who spend their afterlife in a realm called “The Secret Commonwealth.” Here you dwell, until you´re summoned by someone in dire need of help. It is your duty and curse to descend to earth and possess their body. In this state, there are only two outcomes: solve the problem, or stay with your host in an everlasting state of madness.

In playing the Secret commonwealth each player chooses a character - each character starting with a certain set of dice, treasures and tokens. On your journey you’ll meet challenges that require you to match certain symbols either with dice roll, tokens or items - your repertoire building as you go. When you finally reach the end you’ll have to use all that you’ve earned through your journey to fight a battle of endurance against a boss.

Challenges are divided into four types: Fighting, Magic, Trickery or Charm. These types have associated symbols, that you can roll on your dice. The “Anweald” symbol is a universal symbol and can stand in for any symbol needed.

Along the way, choices will have to be made that will gain some and hurt others. There are many forces of nature in this world, be it the “public”, the “animals”, the “faeries”, the “spiritual” or perhaps your “ancestors”. Your relation to these factions are kept track of on the “standing table”, which will impact perhaps how you get out of a witch hunt or a fairy rath.

Time: 60-90 min
Players: 2-4
Language: English

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Fastaval: Otto for folket (2023)

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