Neo Glyph – Night of Eighth Gate
✏️ | Kia Dabirian Tehrani |
The catastrophic emergence of violent quasitopological entities has disrupted the production of noble gases on the floating municipality of Valcore. The mayor has been forced to appeal to Eld, the administrative centre of human controlled space, for assistance. Now a Glyph Knight is in transit. Tactical Unit 3 of the Mahoroba Sector VPD is on Das Hannover-Leuchtfeuer in low Zorit orbit, awaiting rendezvous with the needle ship. They are to escort the Knight to Valcor, as the needle ship’s engines would ionize the gloom and set off a cascading ignition field.
You know a Glyph Knight has not been on Valcore in living memory. ? Lee
Who gives a khor’s ass. This is some sludge goop assignment man, babysitting a prancing fairy tail stooge. Maaaan…. I was geared up for the Eighth Gate run … ? Simone
Cut it Björnson, or you’ll be jelly shifting for a whole rotation. I need you crisp on the descent. Those eather-drives coming so close to Zorit might knock loose some toroids. ? Ranjit
Toroids you say? ? Simone says beaming.
Spillertype: Folk der kan lide at bruge sin fantasi og opdigte ny virkelighed og uddybe cyberpunk genren, og folk der kan lide Savage Worlds paradigmen “Fast, Furious, and Fun”.
Spilledertype: Scenariet er meget stort med mange scener og alternative slutninger. Så spillederen er nødt til at have tid og udholdenhed til at sætte sig ind i det hele. Men de skal også kunne slippe tøjlerne løs og køre med spillerne, hvis de fuldstændig afsporer historien. Ellers er det ikke Cyberpunk.
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Viking-Con 41 (2022) |
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