Thicker than Water
System: LARP
Deltagare: 29 spelare, Male characters: 15, Female characters: 14
✏️ | Kristen McFadyen Patten |
✏️ | Alison Joy Schafer |
Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Rubin Campus Center, Odeum, USA
Kristen McFadyen Patten | |
Alison Joy Schafer |
_She craved the type of passion that even brought the devil down to his knees._
The year is 1929. As Valentine’s Day gives way to night, an uneasy crowd fills the jazz joints and speakeasies of Chicago. Seven bootleggers lie dead, casualties of a never-ending war for control of the Windy City. Between the north side and the south side lies the Afterlife, an up-and- coming secret speakeasy where sinners gather to chase away their demons — and where some say that the blood in the streets attracts a darker and more dangerous clientele. The Afterlife is full to the gills with jazz and liquor, crime and sex, and peopled by pocket politicians, dirty cops, mobsters, as well as monsters of a different sort...In a city torn apart, how long will family ties hold?
Come on down to Sachs Sons Cobbler, an old shoe repair store on Maxwell Street in the heart of Chicago. Beyond the entrance of the quaint shop is an unmarked wooden door. A single candle is lit outside when the underground club is open - which is usually every dusk until dawn.
- This game will feature historical characters from the 1920s including Al Capone and the Chicago Outfit, Bonnie & Clyde, Bugsy Siegel, and the real life inspiration for Roxie Hart, among others. Significant alternative history and creative liberties have also been taken. - Inspiration is taken from _Chicago, The Godfather, True Blood, Dracula,_ and others. - Players can expect a lot of plot, interpersonal connections, and romances. - This game will also contain some magic and supernatural elements, which will mainly take the form of player character vampires and alchemy. Most of the interactions there will be interpersonal drama, with vampires adding a darker element of more danger, sexiness, forbidden romances, and their own prohibition problems. - The vast majority of characters and plots are human and historical. - The supernatural portion of the game is inspired from theatrical shows such as True Blood and will not feature the elements of the vampire role playing game systems. - Do to the nature of the setting, romance will feature heavily and most characters will have several romantic partners. - All characters are gendered and players are encouraged to sign up for the gender character they wish to experience. - There is no character death. - Content warnings: Character sheets (and some in-game content) may contain graphic depictions of alcohol consumption, drugs, violence, supernatural violence, mild domination, and sex. - Players should be 17+
Spelat på
Intercon R (2018) | |
♻ | Summer Larpin' Happened so fast! (2018) |
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