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Hear My Cry

System: LARP
Deltagare: 0-20 spelare, Male characters: 0-8, Female characters: 0-12

Arrangerat av

Forager Business Collective


✏️Rik Lloyd


Hear My Cry: A LARP in Valhalla

You wake up. You remember very little, but you have a card. You were a warrior once. Your card has a trait written on it. That's all you can remember of your story.

You tell a parable to others to remember better. Those who are affected by your story will resonate with your trait, and it will appear on their card, because they were warriors, too, and they share your trait. As you all start to remember, your tales grow in integrity, length, and truth. You may drink to commemorate those you've left. You may commiserate with the others- after all, they too have valiantly arrived, if in their own way.

You'll have your memory back, when it's time to fight again. You'll have a second chance to fight in the Forever War, and the Allfather will smile on you. You will be stronger then, won't you?

You'll leave the chamber next to your fellow warriors to pursue your battle.

Hear My Cry is an immersive, interactive roleplaying experience about storytelling, Valhalla, and the resonance of shared conflict for players 16 and older.This is an emotional LARP that allows people to examine what it means to fight, and what it means to be a warrior in a setting where all conflicts are made equal and equally valid.

_This game may include Descriptions of Abuse, Trauma, Conflict, Violence, Emotional Trauma, Bigotry, and other battles undertaken by body and soul. This game **will not** include any descriptions of sexual assault or violence. While we know that people who undergo such violence against there persons often fight hardest of all, it's not a topic we want to cover._

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Intercon R (2018)

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