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Hello, You Must Be...

System: LARP
Deltagare: 16 spelare


✏️Brian Williams

Festival of LARPs X, USA

ArrangörJenny Diewald

Heroic Consequences (2014), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannien

ArrangörJenny Diewald

Intercon O (2015), USA

ArrangörJenny Diewald

Imaginary Consequences (2015), Naish Holiday Village, Christchurch, Dorset, Storbritannien

ArrangörJenny Diewald
ArrangörBrian Williams

Intercon P (2016), USA

ArrangörJenny Diewald


"Hello, You Must Be..." is an eight-player game where the players are cast in pairs. It's character-driven, intense, funny and touches on diverse subjects such as suicide, identity, friendship and the moral consequences of choices. It asks questions about good vs evil, order vs chaos, security vs freedom.

Inspired by many sources, including the original Dr Who, the game appeals to Dr Who fans just as equally to those who have never watched an episode of Dr Who in their lives. The full game background is included in your character sheet and no prior knowledge is required or assumed.

We can't tell you any more about the game itself without spoiling it. All you need to know is that you're going to a party and you're going to have loads of fun.

The game works well when the players know each other and have a strong relationship with the player who they are paired with, but we've also had a lot of success where players are put together for the first time. There will be multiple, independent runs of the game: once the game is full, a list of players will be sent out; we'll ask you to indicate who you'd like to be with. On the basis on this, we'll split you into groups of eight and then cast each group.

Once cast, you'll get a full character sheet.

"Hello, You Must Be..." is an eight-player game where the players are cast in pairs. It's character-driven, intense, funny and touches on diverse subjects such as suicide, identity, friendship and the moral consequences of choices. It asks questions about good vs evil, order vs chaos, security vs freedom.

Inspired by many sources, including the original Dr Who, the game appeals to Dr Who fans just as equally to those who have never watched an episode of Dr Who in their lives. The full game background is included in your character sheet and no prior knowledge is required or assumed.

We can't tell you any more about the game itself without spoiling it. All you need to know is that you're going to a party and you're going to have loads of fun.

Please note: the game discusses suicide, with one of the characters starting the game having just been about to attempt suicide. If you think this might affect you, please let me know before you sign-up. Because of this, there is an age restriction on the game of 18+.

Spelat på

Festival of LARPs X
Heroic Consequences (2014)
Intercon O (2015)
Imaginary Consequences (2015)
Intercon P (2016)
Intercon S: Smoke and Mirrors (2019)

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