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A Medieval Day at the Races (The Really Nasty Horse Racing LARP)

System: LARP
Deltagare: 25-50 spelare


✏️Don Ross


Even under the shadow of the recent passing of our beloved King Richard, there is cause for jubilation. For Richard's heir, the newly crowned King John, has chosen the Maid Marian as his queen, and they are to marry on the weekend amid great jubilation and much drowning in mead.

To celebrate this auspicious event, the new King has called for a day of horse racing. Nobles from all over the realm have come to the royal palace to compete with the finest of their steeds. News that the hand of the royal ward, Cecily, will be offered as a prize has only increases the anticipation. Come one, come all, to the palace grounds! Bring your loved ones, bring your friends. Bring your horses, bring your pets. But most of all bring your money. Because if King Richard had a fault, it was a dislike of gambling - but the new King is a player himself.

Just don't tell the new queen *wink*.

Horse racing will be simulated on a miniature track with model horses.

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Intercon A (2001)

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