Jessica Creane
Schrödingers kat | Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) | ||||
💾 | ✏️ | Midnight Mi'or | Golden Cobra Challenge (2022) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Schrödingers kat: Nominerad, Bedste Innovation
Nomineres for dets brug af metaspillet. Spillet i sig selv varer kun et par minutter, men man holder ikke op med at snakke om det, joke om det, og det bliver konstant bragt på banen. Spillet tager dets eget udfald og låser det inde i en æske. Vandt du spillet ved at åbne æsken en uge senere, eller sluttede spillet en uge tidligere, da du endte med at lade den være forblive låst? Måske?
Is nominated for using the meta-game as the game. While the game itself only lasted a couple of minutes, people couldn't stop talking about it, joking about it, and constantly mentioning it. The game takes its own outcome, and locks it away in a box. Do you win the game by opening the box a week later, or did the game end a week earlier, when you refused to open the box? Maybe?
Is nominated for using the meta-game as the game. While the game itself only lasted a couple of minutes, people couldn't stop talking about it, joking about it, and constantly mentioning it. The game takes its own outcome, and locks it away in a box. Do you win the game by opening the box a week later, or did the game end a week earlier, when you refused to open the box? Maybe?
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