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The Larporatory (2016)

Plats: Vilnius, Litauen
Datum: 25. - 27. november 2016

Del av: The Larporatory

Om konventet:

We will host a new Larporatory in Vilnius on 25-27th of November 2016. The Larporatory is primarily for the participants at the Larpwriter Summer School 2016.

The Larporatory is a practical follow up to the Summer School. The goal is to design a playable larp in two days and then playtest it on the third day. We encourage to signing up with already formed groups and larp ideas. It is possible to apply to bring people who have not attended the Larpwriter Summer School (LWSS) before if you want to design a larp with them. Based on our previous experience we have decided to allow groups of 2-4 people. It is also possible to sign up without a group or an idea, we will then facilitate a process for forming or joining groups.

Please bear in mind that there will be limited time to work on the larp during the Larporatory. The play testing sessions on the third day can last a maximum of four hours, and the amount of players will probably be limited to approximately 10. We also have limited resources for props and black box venues, so we encourage you to think of flexible larp designs.

During the Larporatory all groups will have a facilitator who will follow your group throughout the process. The facilitators are also previous members of the LWSS and have themselves earlier produced a larp at the Larporatory. Some of the speakers and facilitators from the Summer School will also be present and serve as expert conselors for the groups.

We start early on Friday 25th of November, so you need to arrive on the Thursday 24th. We are hosting a dinner at 21:00 on the 24th in Vilnius. The Larporatory will start in the morning on the 25th and last until evening the 27th. There will of course be a party after the seminar is over.

The Larporatory is free of charge, and accomadation and food will be covered. You need to pay for your own travel to and from Vilnius.

Vi har inte fått något program för detta konvent, så översikten över spel är endast baserad på externa referenser, hågkomster, tidiga rykten, etc, och är därför kanske inte komplett. skicka oss en rättelse.


Z for ZAGS Hanna Komar
Anastasiya Novik
Yulia Yatskevich
Blackbox LARP


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