Tåge over Neo Xin
(Alias: In the Haze of Neo Xin)
✏️ | Louise Floor Frellsen |
✏️ | Louis Martinus Kehlet |
Szenario [Dänisch] | (3,2 MB) |
Rollen [Dänisch] | (0,3 MB) |
Rollen [Englisch] | (0,3 MB) |
To mord får intriger til at blusse op helt fra Neo Xins strålende tinde til den sølede bund. Detektiven Allike vender tilbage til byen, hvor kampskolernes forskruede jagt på profit har gjort dem til megacorps i en neonoplyst krydsning af cyberpunk og wuxia.
Tåge over Neo Xin er et asymmetrisk ensembledrama sat i en cyberpunk-verden udsprunget fra wuxia-genrens eventyr-asien. Tre af spillerne spiller hver tre karakterer, mens den fjerde spiller påtager sig rollen som detektiven, der vender tilbage til sin hjemby for at opklare, hvordan en AI er involveret i to mord.
Plottet udspiller sig både i de spejlblanke kontorer højt over skyerne og i den tunge smog i byens slum. Direkte handling mod andre karakterer udspiller sig kun i fortællescener, der kan have vidtrækkende konsekvenser. Når scenariet er slut er flere af karaktererne med sikkerhed ikke længere i live.
Tåge over Neo Xin er et karakterdrama, hvor der rig mulighed for at være medskaber af en fælles historie. Scenariet består primært af spillersatte karakterscener, hvor rollernes relationer udforskes, og dramaet udfolder sig, efterhånden som alle bliver klar over, at ingen bør stole på nogen.
I spillokalet skaber I fortællingen i fællesskab, men i Neo Xins trængsel er alle alene.
Two murders spark the scheming from Neo Xins shining top to its sullied bottom. The detective Jackdaw returns to the city, where the dojos have degenerated into megacorporations, hunting profit and power in this neon crossover world of cyberpunk and wuxia.
In the Haze of Neo Xin is an asymmetrical ensemble-drama set in a cyberpunk world originating from a fairytale Asia inspired by the wuxia genre. Three players each take on three different roles while the fourth play a detective who returns to her hometown to investigate how an AI is involved in two murders.
The game takes place both in the polished offices high above the clouds and in the heavy smog of the slums. Direct action against the other characters can only be taken during narrative scenes, which will have significant impact on how the story unfolds. At the end of the game several of the characters will be dead.
In the Haze of Neo Xin is a character driven drama where the players are co-creators of a shared story. The scenario is primarily played as character-scenes set by the players, in which the relations between the characters is explored and evolved.
In the room you create the story together, but in the streets of Neo Xin, everyone is alone.
Hier gespielt worden
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021) |
Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)
Gewinner, Specialprisen
The jury is impressed that the scenario manages to create harmony in an asymmetric ensemble drama. Even though the other players are issued with three characters, the lonesome Starling never feels overpowering, but always as an equal. This simple tool allows for different player types in a well-told and complicated intrigue.
Nominiert, Bedste Fortælling
A sprawling and complex mystery brings Neo Xin's neon-lit streets to life. The exploration of an organic sandbox filled with intrigue and intricacies adapts to each run of the scenario that will differ vastly each time. The power to define the narrative and, in fact, the entire scenario is unmistakably entrusted to the players.
Nominiert, Bedste Scenarie
When Detective Starling comes to Neo Xin to hunt down illegal AI activity, players are let loose in an impressive sandbox amidst all social classes of the megacity. An atypical ensemble drama, with well-functioning investigation where the story is not decided in advance. The sum is definitely greater than its individual parts.
Nominiert, Deltagernes Pris (Delt andenplads)
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