Über Alexandria
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Urds Råd

Vorderseite für Urds Råd

(Alias: Urd’s Council, Mimers Brønd)

Teilnehmer: 3-5 Spieler


DesignerInEmilie Johansen


Guderne er samlet ved Urds Råd til én af deres utallige diskussioner, og som laverestående træl er det dit højeste ønske at blive én af gudernes personlige trælle efter rådslagningen. Så du må hellere smiske og manipulere alt hvad du har lært, for der er flere om buddet.

Forestil dig, at guderne sidder til rådslagning og støtter op omkring hinandens argumenter. Man får forståeligt nok ikke meget ud af at være enig med sig selv i sidste ende af en diskussion, men hvis man har fået meget støtte fra andre deltagere af diskussionen – så er man ved at have fat i noget.

I løbet af spillet er det derfor din opgave som træl at hjælpe guderne med at samle opbakning omkring deres argumenter, således at for eksempel Odin får en masse støtte fra de andre guder og dermed vinder diskussionen ved spillets slutning. Det er jo godt for Odin, men det er også rigtig godt for den eller de spillere, der har satset en masse på, at han skulle vinde til sidst i spillet.

Spillet er et hurtigt spillet action selection game.

Med action kort manipulerer man gudernes støtte indbyrdes og for hvert kort man spiller viser man også hvilken af guderne man selv støtter mest, da kortene er farvekoordineret efter guderne.

Når spillet afsluttes vil der derfor både være vindere blandt guderne og én vinder blandt spillerne – baseret på, hvilke guder, man har vist mest støtte i løbet af spillet.

Guderne i spillet har et deck hver, og man vælger selv hvorfra man trækker og dermed hvilke guder man kan spille til sin discard pile – kortene i ens discard pile vil i sidste ende repræsentere hvilke guder, man har vist sin støtte.

The gods have come together at Urd’s Council for one of their countless discussions, and as an inferior thrall you can only dream of the prospect of becoming a god’s favourite after the council has ended. So, you’d better start adulating and manipulating the best that you’ve learned, because there are others who wants the spot.

Imagine that the gods are at a council and are showing support to each other as they present their arguments. Obviously they don’t have a big benefit in agreeing with themselves at the end of the discussion, but if they were to have gained support from other participants of the discussion – then it’s a completely different case.

Thus, it is your job as a thrall to influence the gods into showing each other support during the game. This could be as to make Odin win the discussion at the end of the game by getting the other gods to support him the most throughout the game. That would be very nice for Odin, but also nice for that or those players, that have shown him their allegiance up until the end of the game.

The game is a fast paced action selection game.

You manipulate the council and the support that the gods show each other by playing action cards – and with each played cards you also show which of the gods you yourself pledge your allegiance towards, since the cards are colour coded after the specific gods.

When the game reaches an end there will be both winners amongst the gods and one winner amongst the players – based on which gods you have shown the most allegiance through the game.

The gods in the game have a deck each, and you decide from which one you will draw cards – and thereby also which gods’ cards you will be able to play to your discard pile – at the end of the game it is your discard pile that tells, what allegiance you have pledged.

Hier gespielt worden

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Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)


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